ATP 250 OPEN PARC, Lyon, France
ATP 250 - 32
R32 10
R16 25
Quarti Finale 50
Semi Finale 100
Finalista 165
Winner 250
  Squadra Tennista 1 Punti Tennista 2 Punti Tennista 3 Punti Tennista 4 Punti Tennista 5 Punti Tennista 6 Punti Tennista 7 Punti   Totale Tennista Punti
1 TC Pistoia Bublik 103 Etcheverry 171 Darderi 104 Nishioka 25 Seyboth Wild 25 Munar 8 Muller 25   461 Etcheverry 171
2 Nasty Serve & Volley Cerundolo F 26 Etcheverry 171 Kotov 53 Darderi 104 Muller 25 Koepfer 50 Munar 8   437 Darderi 104
3 Pro Pellaro Cerundolo F 26 Etcheverry 171 Sonego 8 Seyboth Wild 25 Muller 25 Darderi 104 Koepfer 50   409 Bublik 103
4 MDF Team Humbert 26 Etcheverry 171 Rinderknech 51 Darderi 104 Sonego 8 Muller 25 Munar 8   393 Kotov 53
5 Wolfpack Tennis Academy Humbert 26 Etcheverry 171     Darderi 104 Koepfer 50 Munar 8 Seyboth Wild 25   384 Gaston 52
6 TC McFly Cerundolo F 26 Etcheverry 171 Munar 8 Seyboth Wild 25 Darderi 104 Sonego 8 Muller 25   367 Rinderknech 51
7 Tinca Smash Humbert 26 Etcheverry 171 Darderi 104 Munar 8 Muller 25 Sonego 8 Seyboth Wild 25   367 Koepfer 50
8 Pelo Tennis Bublik 103 Tiafoe 25 Seyboth Wild 25 Sonego 8 Muller 25 Rinderknech 51 Darderi 104   341 Cerundolo F 26
9 The Safinator Humbert 26     Muller 25 Darderi 104 Sonego 8 Munar 8 Gaston 52   223 Humbert 26
10 Diablo Dream Team Humbert 26 Rinderknech 51     Sonego 8 Munar 8 Muller 25 Darderi 104   222 Mannarino 25
11 The Wolf of Bookstreet Mannarino 25 Cerundolo F 26     Seyboth Wild 25 Darderi 104 Sonego 8 Nishioka 25   213 Muller 25
12 Nibbio Humbert 26 Gasquet 8     Darderi 104 Munar 8 Sonego 8 Gaston 52   206 Nishioka 25
13 Gallo8 Cerundolo F 26 Darderi 104 Seyboth Wild 25     Muller 25 Sonego 8 Munar 8   196 Seyboth Wild 25
Tiafoe 25
Classifica Finale, ATP 250 OPEN PARC Punti ATP Gasquet 8
Munar 8
1 TC Pistoia 461 250 Sonego 8
2 Nasty Serve & Volley 437 165
3 Pro Pellaro 409 100
4 MDF Team 393 100
5 Wolfpack Tennis Academy 384 50
6 TC McFly 367 18.05. 18:53:15 50
7 Tinca Smash 367 19.05. 13:28:00 50
8 Pelo Tennis 341 50
9 The Safinator 223 25
10 Diablo Dream Team 222 25
11 The Wolf of Bookstreet 213 25
12 Nibbio 206 25
13 Gallo8 196 25